Saturday, June 4, 2011


1. Do 20 minutes of ab workout in the course of a day. This most likely means doing multiple ab workouts in a day. Ab workout also happen in other places like yoga.  This is going to be difficult to track but Ia m up for it. I am really happy with my arms and could be happier with my legs but my midsection is really where I want to focus. I always have but have never really dealt with it. Now that the rest of my body is getting stronger and I am committed to some exercise routine on a daily basis I am excited to be doing crunches and see the difference. In a few short weeks I went from not being able to do a 30 second plank to being able to do a 90 second full extension plank and at least a 60 second low plank. I feel awesome. I am also hoping that by focusing on ab exercises every day I will see a change and be less depressed about the fact that I am bloated all the time and look like I am preggers.

2. Figure out my daily caloric intake. Mostly I am curious and I find all these websites that do it are not super helpful. I guess it also means that I need to be more conscious of amounts of things that I eat which is going ot be the hard part cause how many calories does a handful of blueberries have? I am going to start writing that stuff down in my food journal. It could also help to start photographing my food which seems like it could be kind of fun and I would get to use my camera more often.

3. Cut down on sugar!

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