Sunday, August 7, 2011

Contrary to Popular Belief

Lots of weight loss strategists will tell you that eating while doing something like watching tv or blog stalking on the computer leads to mindless eating and inhibits weight loss. This may be true but I realized something tonight. I already knew that I eat fast. All of a sudden out of nowhere this happened. I used to be the last one done. Maybe my bro and I had some Freaky Friday thing happen cause now he eats super slow. Anyway so I eat fast and then I feel awkward or haven't even started digesting so I take seconds. Both of these things are bad for my stomach. But tonight as I was catching up on blogs and news in front of the comp and eating dinner I realized I was eating slowly because I was also concentrating on something else. Now I assume that the "mindless eating" thing refers mostly to snacking when you have a bad of chips in front of you and are just putting them in your mouth without any thought. Anyway that's a realization I had, now I just need to eat slower when I am not distracted and have super strength willpower in general.

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