Thursday, August 4, 2011

To Eliminate?

Or not.

Now that I know I am not across the board sensitive to fruit and dairy I am back at square one.

It seems I will need to do some eliminating and testing. As of now I am on a no dairy, no gluten diet. I also haven't have sesame seeds/tachina since July 14. I also haven't had peanut butter in I don't know how long. I have decided to stay away form dried fruit aside from raisins and cranberries.

I guess the next step is to try something more serious like certain fruit or night shades. The only fruit right now that is available that is on the list of "inflammatories" is pineapple which I could live without. I could also cut out is processed sugar. yikes. I basically do this already. Up until last week when I started baking I hadn't really made anything that had sugar. I haven't had white or brown sugar in months. I have had honey, maple and agave. I am sure I can find substitutes using fruit and unsweetened fruit products. We'll see if our budget can handle it. Some days I feel like such a burden because I can live without dessert but should I have to. I am striving to live a healthier lifestyle than those I live with and than what my budget can handle. I guess that means I am going to live without.

Away today was another day of not really being hungry but eating a bunch.
after drinking 25 grams of fruit sugar (woah, it was super sweet, I think I got a cavity and I think it made me a bit hyper) and finding out I am not allergic to fruit sugar I had more fruit. Probably not the smartest move. I had an energy bar and quinoa, pecan butter, pineapple and mango. Then when I got home I sort of snacked for the rest of the day. Had one rice cake with pecan butter before working out.

Then at around 4 I felt weak/hungry sort of so I had leftover green quinoa salad. I also had a few grapes. We had people over for dinner and I didn't think I was going to be hungry but I had some room for salad so that is what I ate for dinner. Then as a little prize/treat I had a chickpea blondie. I felt bloated like normal today.

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